
Robert Creeley and Charles Olson

Have you read Robert Creeley's work before? It's so wonderful. One of my favorites is titled "The Place", originally from his book Echoes and included in his Collected Poems.

Also loving and reading Charles Olson's prose- his essay Projective Verse. And his letter to poet Elaine Feinstein.  There's a great piece about Cy Twombly....both were part of the Black Mountain poets

What are you reading these days?



ALASKA PART III - Tracy Arm Fjord and Sawyer Glacier

Approaching Sawyer Glacier and floating through Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska.

ALASKA PART II Mendenhall Glacier Ice Cave

The most amazing part of the hike was when our guide surprised us and took us to this ice cave. It was incredible to be able to walk into the glacier and experience it from within.
